Tuesday, November 29, 2005

PostHeaderIcon KL Central (Part 2)-Intro of Emy

Kitorang pun berjumpa..the best thing is ..kitorang tak kenal pun rupa memasing..sebab sebelum ni cuma berbual melalui phone jer...takkan la aku nak suruh dia menjerit kat tempat awam tu.gila apa..so apa yang menjadi tanda aku kenal dia..cuma la sebuah novel (lupa lak nama novel dia)..masa tengah tengah mencari tu..adalah aku terpandang sorang minah "Free hair".. tengah pegang novel..Cun gila..ade la rupa anak mami sikit..yup..conform ..memang conform itu dia..camne tetiba aku lak yang mengelabah..masa tu aku tengok balik diri aku.."ish..aku dah la selebet masa tu.., muka pun macam tapai basi"..camne ye aku nak approach dia..-to be continued-


LookSharp said...

Hehehe...mmng masuk dengan citernyer...tapi pandai jugak ye mamat ni belakun hua hua hua....sape yg shot gambar ni semua...


Chet ..kelucahan melampau tull

Anonymous said...

wey ape nie delete posting badass....we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!we want the posting!

Anonymous said...

muahahahhahaahhahaaahha!!! who? who zai mee!

Anonymous said...

dasar jantan gay ....asla ko buang posting aku ...creative apa ...bawah creative commons licence lagi...................... booooooooooooooooo to huzaimi!!!

Anonymous said...

kalau tenet kat klsentral dapat pahala ker? dapat duit ?


Berjaya jugak formula aku...he.he.he ramai orang posting siot...time kacih